Google Shopping Expert

Google Shopping Expert: Boost E-commerce Sales with Experts

Google Shopping Expert: Boost E-commerce Sales with Experts

Do you own an online website but it is not helping to fill your pockets? You are the best guy in town but still, your client list is always empty? heard about Google Shopping Expert?

This might happen when you ignore your digital marketing efforts.

As a business owner, you need to create an impressive online portfolio to reach prospective clients. Google ads can help you achieve this with the least risk and maximum returns. With Google Ads, you can increase your online visibility in no time. And later expect hundreds and thousands of clients.

But then why do you need a Google Shopping expert?

Because every smart business person runs Google ads and you will compete with professionally handled campaigns. Imagine a high school student fighting against karate pro. What are the odds of winning? Probably 0% because you cannot beat pros with dedication and little knowledge.

Similarly, if your Ad and a professionally curated Ad will pop up in a user’s search, your ad will obviously lose this online battle. and you might lose a potential customer.

But But But!

You don’t have to worry. I will teach you how to launch Google ads and win against marketing pros by using their tricks against them. Nothing is out of the box. Just tips & tricks that pros learn from their experience.

Let’s start by answering some general questions!

Why l need Google Shopping Ads?

I kind of explained this in the introduction. But it was a vague explanation.

Given image explains the benefits of Google ads:

benefits of Google ads

You need Google ads for the following reasons:

  • Massive reach

Google is the biggest search engine on earth and advertising on Google means to advertise on digital earth. No mode of advertisement can reach people like Google Ads. You can advertise to a global audience.

  • Allows Targeting

Google ads are designed to target specific users you wish to target. This means if you want your ad to be seen by people between 30-50, Yes you can do that. Hyper targeting can allow you to advertise for people that can be your potential customers thus saving money and ensure only quality leads.

  • Low Risk

Advertising costs money and there is always a risk. Even with physical ads like billboards, pamphlets, and wall paintings, there is no guarantee whether your investment will bring results or not. Google ads have a super low risk which means they are evident to bring prospective customers.

  • Quick Results

Google ads can deliver super-fast results. Google intensively shows your ad to your preferred audience and helps you get leads in no time. In just 1-2 days you can expect a massive inflow of queries and bookings for consultation.

Does Google Ads work?

Does Google Ads work?

Yes, Google Ads works for pretty much any product/service.

This is just a fictional answer. If they worked so well why don’t every company is a millionaire or billionaire? Because only good and planned campaigns work. (use of proper keywords, working landing page, etc.)

Google can just display your ad to whomsoever you will tell it to. But a person doesn’t have to respond to your ad. Google cannot make them click on your ad.

In many cases, they work wonderfully. Companies like Amazon, eBay, and Macy’s have generated revenue of billions using Google ads.

Check out this video to know how do Google Ads works?

How much should I spend on Google Ads?

Google has no minimum bids or minimum fees for Google Shopping ads. You can choose CPC starting from $0.01 and there is no minimum daily budget. So you have a lot of flexibility when you spend on Google Shopping.

With recent changes, sellers can get their product listings for free on Google. Such as on the Google Shopping tab and the homepage of Google search results.

Even though you may not have to pay for ads on Google Shopping, you still need to pay for ads. This means that visibility and being at the top matter. For that purpose, you need to pay for shopping ads.

As for you, I would suggest spending at least 10% of your monthly revenue on Google ads. You can target local customers and build a brand simultaneously. (As more people will see your ad more people will recognize you)

Why Should I Use Google Shopping?

Why Should I Use Google Shopping?

First, there is no need to brainstorm keywords or create and manage multiple landing pages. It can help you run ads at scale.

On the other hand, it needs to be constantly adjusted. If you are not careful, it can easily consume your budget, as we have seen time and time again in audits.

It is a common mistake to set the same price for all products (regardless of the margin or conversion rate). Google Shopping campaigns also need to continuously optimize and exclude search terms that promote their products, and companies don’t usually do this on their own.

Click here to know more!

Benefits of Google Shopping Expert

Your ad will have the following benefits if they are managed by a Google Shopping Expert.

Higher click-through rate

Because shopping ads appear in a separate window. In addition to the corresponding images in Google and Bing search results. The level of the interaction potential between e-commerce customers and these ads is significantly higher. Thus, resulting in a higher click-through rate or higher website traffic if managed by pros.

Competitive advantage

Although this ad format is becoming more and more popular, your competitors may or may not have used it yet. When it happens, consumers have the opportunity to directly compare your product with theirs, and if you get it right, you can put your competitors in the shadows.

Higher conversion rate

Not only do you have more traffic, but you also have more qualified leads. Because shopping ads provide more detailed information than text ads.

It can help potential buyers better understand the products you sell and help them make purchasing decisions even before they visit your website and complete the sale. These visitors often search to make purchases. Hence, shopping ads promote conversions.

Campaign management for retail

Since Shopping campaigns allow you to display product inventory in AdWords, you can create ad groups for the products you want to bid on to make it easier to optimize products.


You can reach a wider audience by adding list activities to your online marketing strategy. Shopping ads may appear multiple times in a search query, and together with text ads and regular ads.

This can increase the visibility of your brand on search engine results pages and increase your customer reach.

Increase visibility

By highlighting shopping ads can cause multiple products to appear in the same search or platform. This increases the visibility of your products.

To get the most out of such benefits. You can either apply them yourself or even better –

What can we provide as your Google Shopping Expert?

What can we provide as your Google Shopping Expert?

Organized Campaign Structure

Invalid Google Shopping campaign structure can cause huge financial losses. Discounts and budgets are no longer tied to value and return on investment, critical data and information are lost, and you need to spend a lot of time and money to find product listings.

We will use our experience in managing shopping ads to set up a Google Shopping campaign with an efficient and optimized structure.

In general, we keep prices low, prioritize the most relevant costs, and focus the costs on the areas that can give you the greatest competitive advantage. To give you a high level of understanding of various activities and their effectiveness. Our team prioritizes the use of clear, intuitive, and funnel-like activity structures.

We are a Google Shopping Agency with knowledge and experience in creating a multi-layered and high-priority campaign structure. We hope this knowledge will serve you.

Product Feed Optimization

If a single shopping ad is not attractive to buyers, even a well-structured Google Shopping campaign can only do so much!

Our Google Shopping Agency service includes working with you to create a simplified shopping feed by creating memorable titles and descriptions that include keywords. And combine them with attractive images that arouse interest and attract the audience’s attention.

We will ensure that you enter the price correctly and execute the special offer quickly and accurately. So that you can stand out from the competition.

When you add new products, we will use our expertise to ensure that shopping ads for new products are as easy to find as old shopping ads to improve search/product matching.

Targeting and Bidding

One of the most common mistakes when managing Google Shopping ads is an invalid bid strategy where all products and keywords are the same. As a result, the campaign spent too much money on ineffective and expensive keywords, and not enough money on keywords with the highest profit potential.

As an experienced Google Shopping agency, we know all the tips and tricks for making Google Shopping work for you and your business.

Our Google Shopping Management includes the clever use of product-specific ad groups (SPAG) to provide accurate and controlled information about your products.

We also carry out remarketing campaigns for customers who have already expressed interest in your brand and products, minimizing waste and ineffective spending elsewhere.

Negative keywords

One way to avoid a low return on investment is to use negative keywords correctly. Experienced Google Shopping agents know that negative keywords are one of the most important tools that you should use to target keywords in the right campaign and avoid unnecessary advertising expenditures.

Making the most of negative keywords ensures that your ads will not show irrelevant search terms that will cost you money but will never convert.

Whether it’s users looking for products you don’t sell, product features you don’t have, or certain brands you don’t support.

Our Google Shopping Agency will ensure that your money won’t be wasted on most keywords with very little conversion rate.

We will review your negative keyword list regularly, update it weekly, add new keywords and delete the ones with irrelevant search terms.

Testing and Optimization

Google Shopping should never rely on a once-and-for-all approach. In addition to regularly improving the content of the previous week, month, or year, you also need to understand competition and Google’s changing policies and algorithms.

An experienced agency like ours will constantly test bids, keywords, and ads to continuously improve them. We optimize marketing activities based on end-to-end attribution by analyzing which keywords, products, devices, and audiences can bring the best results and generate the most conversions for your e-commerce business.

We study the activities of your competitors and test new options to ensure that you stay competitive and not lagging.

Reporting & Insights

The result is everything. They are essential to maximize productivity and increase return on investment.

We use best practice optimization techniques to continuously monitor and adjust your Google Shopping campaigns. To ensure the visibility and effective allocation of your overall budget.

Everything we do is backed by detailed reports, so you always know what we have achieved and what improvements we have made.

Ready to Book a strategy session?

If you still have your doubts about Google shopping, you can book a free strategy session with our team here:

We are a Google Shopping Expert with more than 8 years of experience in the field of digital marketing. Let us handle your campaign and notice the huge difference in results!

I hope this article was a good read. Dropdown comments to ask queries!