Product Listing Ads Management: 8 Reasons Why You Need It

Product Listing Ads Management becomes really useful as Google Shopping is emerging. You need to be at the top for the keywords searched related to your product(s).

But before that, there is a whole process of uploading your products to finally list them.

What is Product Listing? How you can leverage it to increase your eCommerce business sales? How to set them up yourself?

These questions must be running through your head and that’s why you landed up here. But don’t worry. I have got you covered.

I will try to help you out with your queries as I’m your Ads Consultant!

So without any more further delays. Let’s start with what is Product Listing? –

What is Product Listing?

When users use search engines to find products. In addition to text ads, ads with product information will also appear at the top or upper right or left of the search results page (SERP).

When people click on shopping links in search results, an ad type appears. PLA ads are related to shopping ads that appear on the SERP itself rather than on the shopping page.

Shopping ads are ads that show users more detailed information than standard text ads and encourage them to click through to your website. The information in your ad comes from your product data feed. Also known as Google Shopping Ads. These shopping ads are shown to your target audience on search, shopping tab, images, and other Google advertising networks.

You can also run shopping ads forms in other channels. Although they usually have different names. For example, Facebook and Instagram call them dynamic ads.

Part of the working principle of shopping ads is similar to product listing ads.

First of all, these are usually PPC ads, so you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

These are based on product data sources. Therefore, displays the products you sell in real-time with pictures and price information.

So as now you know what Product Listing Ads are. Let us know the benefits of such ads –

Benefits of Product Listing Ads Management

Competitive advantage

Although this ad format is becoming more and more popular, your competitors may or may not have used it yet. When it happens, consumers have the opportunity to directly compare your product with theirs, and if you get it right, you can put your competitors in the shadows.


You can reach a wider audience by adding list activities to your online marketing strategy. Shopping ads may appear multiple times in a search query, and together with text ads and regular ads.

This can increase the visibility of your brand on search engine results pages and increase your customer reach.

Higher click-through rate

Because shopping ads appear in a separate window. In addition to the corresponding images in Google and Bing search results. The level of interaction between e-commerce customers and these ads is significantly higher. Resulting in a higher click-through rate or higher website traffic.

Easy Optimization

Since Shopping campaigns allow you to display product inventory in Google Ads. You can create ad groups for the products you want to bid on to make it easier to optimize products.

Higher conversion rate

Not only do you have more traffic, but you also have more qualified leads. Because shopping ads provide more detailed information than text ads.

It can help potential buyers better understand the products you sell and help them make purchasing decisions even before they visit your website and complete the sale. These visitors often search to make purchases. Hence, shopping ads promote conversions.

More immersive user experience

From the user’s perspective, product advertisements include updated images and prices. Sometimes they also contain product reviews.

You can tell the difference between shopping ads and simple ads on the Google search results page. For example searches for “Product X“. Multiple standard text ads and multiple shopping ads are visible. Shopping ads stand out on the page due to their ad and image size as compared to text-based ads.

Increase visibility

By highlighting shopping ads can cause multiple products to appear in the same search or platform. This increases the visibility of your products.

Advanced Report

No matter how you structure your Shopping campaign, you can view performance data in the following areas:

  • Product
  • Category
  • Product Type
  • Brand
  • Status
  • Product ID
  • Custom Label

Now let us move to the next section of how to leverage such benefits in our own ads –

How do I advertise my product listing?

To advertise the product listing. You have to follow the following process –

Create a Google Merchant Center Account

You have to visit Google for Merchants to create a Google Merchant Center Account. This will be helpful for you to connect your eCommerce account. In the dashboard, you can then have the products uploaded without uploading them again and again.

Here is a video to help you out in importing your products without manually uploading them again –

After uploading products you also need to link Google Ads Account with Merchant Account. You can do this easily by navigating to the account linking option.

Create a New Shopping Campaign

Now as you have linked your Google Ads account. You have to open your Google Ads account. Start the new campaign by choosing the “Shopping” objective.

As all your products are uploaded on the merchant account. It will be easy to show ads through Google Ads.

Set Shop Settings

You will see some advanced shopping options. It has tools for filtering, customizing the local category display and activity priority. It doesn’t matter if you only run one campaign, but if you run multiple campaigns, the priority of the campaign is very important.

For example, a store can have multiple activities for a product category. In this case, businesses may want to run on top of each other or check which one is better, so that you can set up one to take precedence over the other.

Create the ad for category or just the product

You can either run ads for the category or you can use single products from a category. All the pictures will be retrieved from Google merchant Account with the description. You can change it according to the audience you are targeting.

Set your bid

In most cases, you will manually set the cost-per-click so you can activate it. This means you can manually set bids and let them run for as long as you want. Google offers a more automated version, but it can become tricky when your budget is tight.

So, enter the standard bid field and enter the amount you want to bid for each ad. When you hover over the “?”, there is a detailed description of how this works provided.

Speaking of budget, it all depends on how much you want to spend. With well-planned events, you can start with a budget of $10 per day. However, please note that Google may exceed this budget by 20%. If you think the advertising effect is good at this time.

When finished, click the “Save” button and continue.

Tips to optimize product listing ads

Use conversational tone

In many respects, the optimization strategy of data sources is similar to SEO. Therefore, using spoken language similar to voice search is an important strategy to ensure that shopping ads are displayed for correct searches.

In addition, with Google’s recent BERT update aimed at a better understanding of user intent, this strategy is more relevant and useful than ever.


Not all products produce the same return on investment. Therefore, the seller does not have to provide the same amount for all items. The best strategy for optimizing product supply is to create a product that you can afford bis still competitive.

However, for those with large supplies, obtaining individual or group contracts can be a big challenge. In this case, it is recommended to cooperate with e-commerce PPC management agencies like Ads consultants. They can help you find the best prices for various products.

Build a negative keyword list

A negative keyword list is one of the best strategies to save the PPC budget. Fortunately, retailers can help block shopping ads by selecting specific negative words to filter out irrelevant search terms.

For example, if one shop sells men’s jeans, but not women’s jeans. One should add “women’s jeans” as a negative keyword to avoid showing ads to users searching for women’s jeans.

Retargeting leads

Like other PPC campaigns, we recommend using retargeting or remarketing campaigns to increase conversion rates. For example, by using dynamic remarketing ads to attract customers, retailers can make up for lost sales.

What is a Product Listing Ads Management in ecommerce?

Shopping ads are usually available on social media platforms and search engine platforms. Even if you are not selling on your own website, digital marketplaces such as Amazon Advertising can help you target your ads to the right people.

When you sell products online, you can get many personalized advertising opportunities. Product Listing Ads (also called shopping ads or PLAs) proactively notify potential customers before they click on your products and prices. Therefore, you are paying for more eligible traffic to make a purchase.

Google Product Listing Ads are powerful and versatile. Offering a variety of campaign options to help e-commerce sites achieve their goals. From increasing sales to more detailed and targeted options, such as promoting new sales and discounts.

PPC e-commerce is more than just showing your products, it also involves delivering the right products to the right people at the right time. The key is to carefully manage your bids and auctions to balance your return on investment and visibility. Not to mention optimizing your website the moment your customers arrive there!

Google Shopping campaigns may seem simple; however, simply following best practice standards will not help you maximize your return on investment in today’s competitive marketing. Unless you work with a knowledgeable Google Shopping agency. They can provide you services where you don’t have to do a thing.

What we provide in our Product Listing Ads Management services?

In our Product Listing Ads Management services we provide the following services –

Campaign settings

We link your Google Merchant Center account with Google Ads to create ads for Shopping campaigns. We can also help you determine a budget that suits your business goals. Don’t have a Google Merchant Center account? We will even create one for you.


If your goal is to sell more than one specific product or reduce the total cost of sales, our team will regularly optimize your listing ads. We analyze industry data and make regular adjustments to ensure that your products are displayed at the right time when shopping online. We can even help you set up a sales track to accurately understand each sale’s situation.


In addition to continuing to adjust and optimizing your shopping ads, we also provide you with weekly performance reports to ensure that you are achieving your business goals. The products you sell and the profit you get from your advertising spend. All in one report is easy for you to understand and digest.

We Can Be Your Next Product Listing Ads Management Agency

We have provided you with all the knowledge of how you can do it. Also, we have shown what will you get if you use our services.

Now the decision is yours. All you have to do is drop us a line below. We will contact you for your free consultation!

Product Listing Ads have great potential as Google has made it more refined. Many companies are using Google Shopping Ads to showcase their products.

Without a doubt, the ROI is amazing as Google is the number one place to search, for even products. Getting your product at the top can help you get more sales.